The Vascular Division consists of medicinal products, medical devices, and nutraceuticals. The aim of this Division is to fulfill, in an exhaustive way, the therapeutic needs of Physicians and Patients.
Omikron Italia s.r.l. provides to Physicians therapeutic tools, ranging from cardiovascular prevention to microcirculation disease therapy, lymphedema therapy, up to the therapy of the hemorrhoidal syndrome and complications of chronic venous insufficiency, such as Venous ulcers and Deep Venous Thrombosis.

The products are password protected
To access to the restricted area of the website you should own a Username and Password to be entered in the “Login”.
The professionals (o Physicians or Pharmacists) not yet holding such data could register creating a new account filling in all the displayed areas.
We remind you that the scientific contents published in the restricted areas are intended only for professional users and therefore through the access or the registration it hereby states on its own responsibility to be enrolled in the physicians or pharmacists register.
REMARKS for a correct use of the food supplements
Drawn by “Handbook for a correct use of the food supplements” edited from “Ministero della Salute” (Ministry of Health), General Direction for Hygiene and the safety of food and nutrition.
- Always consult your physician in advance if:
- you are not in good health or you are treated with medicines, in order to be sure there are any contraindications or possibility of interactions;
- you plan to use more food supplements together;
- the use is destined to vulnerable population brackets, such as children and women during the pregnancy and breastfeeding. - Always read the whole label of the food supplement you are going to take in. Pay a particular attention to the conditions of use and to the conditions of conservation, to the ingredients in regards to any allergies or intolerances, to the indicated properties and to the warnings.
- Be wary of food supplements being advertised for amazing properties and effects or as “miraculous” solution of your problems. The food supplements, like many other products, nowadays are available also outside normal business channels, such as internet. In the portal of the Ministero della Salute, Ministry of Health, ( you can find the National Register of food supplements, that you can consult in order to check which products are regularly notified to be placed on the Italian market.