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Ballo M.
Efficacia clinica dell’associazione Diosmina, Esperidina e Troxerutina nei pazienti con Malattia Venosa Cronica.

Farmaci 2020 • Volume 19 • N. 2

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Sarcinella R. et al.
Linfedema secondario post-mastectomia: riduzioni volumetriche e tissutali in seguito ad utilizzo di benzopironi e flavonoidi associati a linfodrenaggio manuale.

Il Continuum del Paziente Vascolare, 2017

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Giannini I. et al.
Flavonoids mixture (diosmin, troxerutin, hesperidin) in the treatment of acute hemorrhoidal disease: a prospective, randomized, triple-blind, controlled trial.

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Boccardo F. et al.
Studio sull’efficacia dell’associazione Cumarina, Flavonoidi e Vitexina nel trattamento del Linfedema.

Il Continuum del Paziente Vascolare, 2014

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Ballo M. et al.
Trattamento dell’Insufficienza Venosa Cronica. Esperienza clinica con l’associazione diosmina-esperidina-troxerutina.

Il Continuum del Paziente Vascolare, 2014

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Bonifacci P. et al.
Utilità della terapia flebotonica ed elastocompressiva nel trattamento dell’edema da stasi venosa.

Il Continuum del Paziente Vascolare, 2010

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Morelli C. et al
Effetto biologico di una formulazione a base di diosmina, esperidina e troxerutina (Triade®) sulla permeabilità dell’endotelio vasale umano.

Il Continuum del Paziente Vascolare, 2010

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Bartoli M. et al.
Efficacia farmacologica di diversi flebotonici sulla risposta contrattile alla noradrenalina di safene umane isolate.

Il Continuum del Paziente Vascolare, 2010

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Rossetti L., Goni F., Montesano G. et al.
The effect of citicoline oral solution on quality of life in patients with glaucoma: the results of an international, multicenter, randomized, placebo controlled cross over trial.

Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Jan 14.

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Vernazza S. et al.
Citicoline Eye Drops Protect Trabecular Meshwork Cells from Oxidative Stress Injury in a 3D In Vitro Glaucoma Model.

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Rossetti L. et al.
Can Treatment With Citicoline Eyedrops Reduce Progression in Glaucoma? The Results of a Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial.

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Sbardella D. et al.
Structural and functional evidence for citicoline binding and modulation of 20S proteasome activity: Novel insights into its pro-proteostatic effect. Biochem

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Lanza M. et al.
Morphological and Functional Evaluation of Oral Citicoline Therapy in Chronic Open-Angle Glaucoma Patients: A Pilot Study With a 2-Year Follow-Up. Front

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Fogagnolo M. et al.
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Parravano M. et al.
Citicoline and VitaminB12 Eye Drops in Type 1 Diabetes: Results of a 3-year Pilot Study Evaluating Morpho-Functional Retinal Changes.

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Oddone F. et al.
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Parisi V. et al.
Neuroenhancement and neuroprotection by oral solution citicoline in non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy as a model of neurodegeneration: A randomized pilot study.

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Parisi V. et al.
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Parisi V. et al.
Enhancement of Retinal Function and of Neural Conduction Along the Visual Pathway Induced by Treatment with Citicoline Eye Drops in Liposomal Formulation in Open Angle Glaucoma: A Pilot Electrofunctional Study.

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Parisi V. et al.
Citicoline and Retinal Ganglion Cells: Effects on Morphology and Function.

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Oddone F. et al.
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In vivo Evaluation of Retinal and Choroidal Structure in a Mouse Model of Long-Lasting Diabetes. Effect of Topical Treatment with Citicoline.

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Parisi V. et al.
Treatment with citicoline eye drops enhances retinal function and neural conduction along the visual pathways in open angle glaucoma.

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Gualdi M. et al.
Efficacia e tollerabilità dell’acido ialuronico associato a citicolina e vitamina B12 sulle alterazioni post-chirurgiche della superficie corneale dopo interventi di cross-linking, prk e femtolasik.

Ottica Fisiopatologica, Anno diciannovesimo settembre 2014

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Roberti G. et al.
A preliminary study of the neuroprotective role of citicoline eye drops in glaucomatous optic neuropathy.

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Matteucci A. et al.
Neuroprotective Effects of Citicoline in in Vitro Models of Retinal Neurodegeneration.

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Caprino D. et al.
Valutazione della progressione del danno perimetrico in soggetti con glaucoma iniziale ad angolo aperto tonometricamente compensati e in trattamento con citicolina in soluzione orale.

Ottica Fisiopatologica, Anno diciottesimo giugno 2013

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Ottobelli L. et al.
Citicoline Oral Solution in Glaucoma: Is There a Role in Slowing Disease Progression?

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Morreale Bubella D. et al.
Neuroprotezione del paziente con Glaucoma cronico ad angolo aperto: ruolo della Citicolina in soluzione orale.

Ottica Fisiopatologica, Anno sedicesimo settembre 2011

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Hamann K. U. et al.
Terapia della blefarocongiuntivite con un collirio a base di acido salicilico. (Therapy of Blepharoconjunctivitis with Eye Drops containing salicylic acid).


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